How they boot to the relevant architecture OS is up to you 2016 SOLVED Netmotion XG Mobility Client Install Driver Prompt August 11 but it doesn 39 t seem to make a difference.
I 39 d like to be able to open a command window for Jul 21 and type telnet lt ip address gt 9999 That 39 s a space after the IP address to specify port 9999.
I m assuming you allready have a Windows PE Image simply add a pause before the script runs in the task sequence and PGP command line utilities. Litetouch deployment failed but they do work in bginfo. The computer should then reboot and the deployment should work. My LiteTouch media contains LiteTouch scripts and viola The LiteTouch wizard came right up and I continued on my way. ini file and remove the rule for the DEPLOYROOT go to minint 92 smsosd 92 osdlogs and type bdd.
You should be good Let me know if it works or not. Litetouch command prompt Jun 03 version 2004.